Substantial discussions at the 3SI Business Forum with our regional and international partners on strengthening a resilient, affordable and green energy system.

The event in Bucharest, enjoyed the participation of the Special Envoy for Climate of the US President, John Kerry. „The clean energy transition can be an engine of prosperity for Three Seas Countries — and today I announced NEXT, a one-stop shop to support small modular nuclear reactor deployment in partner countries. Clean, secure energy routes and sources across Europe are imperative, and 3SI will be instrumental in achieving it. Accelerating the region’s clean energy transition — including through technologies such as heat pumps, solar, geothermal, carbon capture, batteries, and wind power –brings not only energy security, but also brings us closer to our climate goals.”, said John Kerry.

Romania’s Nuclear Energy Program – a key pillar to secure energy security and social - economic development in 3 Seas Initiative Region

Romania has an ambitious decarbonization targets - 55% fewer GHG emissions by 2030; reducing dependence on imports from 20.85 % down to 17.8 % by 2030; removal of up to 4.59 GWe of coal-based energy by 2032, and its replacement by clear energy sources – considers nuclear energy a key pillar for energy security and reaching its decarbonation targets.

In this context, SN Nuclearelectrica SA plays a key part attainment of Romania's objectives by increasing the capacity to generate energy from nuclear sources by 2030s. Nuclearelectrica's investment projects will bring clean energy to Romania's energy stability, social and economic development, development of the nuclear industry, as well as the training of a new generation of engineers.

Moreover, by developing its nuclear program, Romania can play a regional role in securing energy security, especially in the Three Seas Region Initiative.