Topics of major interest for the European Union and NATO were debated in the Transport section of the 3SI Business Forum of the Three Seas Initiative - "Investing into a resilient tomorrow", at the Palace of the Parliament.

The consolidation of European economies and the provision of military mobility on NATO's Eastern Flank will be able to be efficiently ensured including through the implementation of two important transnational projects: Rail2Sea and Via Carpatia, aimed at making the connection between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea more efficient.

In the road sector, Via Carpatia will ensure transport routes that will transit Romania on new high-speed road sectors (Oradea-Arad and Lugoj-Calafat).

For rail transport, the Rail2Sea project will ensure new connections between the western border and the Port of Constanța (Cluj-Episcopia Bihor and Brașov-Sighișoara Railway), but also on the southern route (Arad-Timișoara-Caransebeș-Craiova-Calafat Railway).

The components of both projects that transit Romania benefit from European funding